It is critical to assess any potential fire hazards in the workplace and implement measures to ensure the safety of your employees and customers. Several steps can be taken to assess and reduce the fire risk, including regular safety inspections, having an emergency plan, and providing fire safety training to employees. It is also critical to ensure that all fire safety equipment, such as fire extinguishers, is current and operational. Read on to learn about Fire Risk Assessment best practices.
An Employer must:
Identify fire hazards and remove them where possible
Identify people at risk
Identify why they’re at risk
Evaluate fire safety risks
Reduce or control risks to the lowest level possible
Have your Fire Risk Assessment correctly documented.
Employees must:
Co-operate with your employer on all fire and electrical safety matters.
Inform your supervisor if you are concerned about your and others' safety in the workplace.
Adhere to all work safety procedures at all times.
All of the above must be considered when assessing the following:
Fire Safety Management
Are safe work practices adhered to?
Are accidents and near misses reported accurately?
Have people at risk been identified?
Are the persons using the building aware of the emergency procedures?
Work Equipment, Policies and Best Practices
Is your equipment safe and suitable for the job?
Is your equipment maintained and stored correctly?
Have you identified hazardous substances, and are they stored correctly?
Have you identified all potential ignition sources?
Have your employees received proper training?
In The Workplace
Are fire exits and escape routes completely clear and free from blockages?
Are escape route signs displayed correctly and clearly visible?
Are your evacuation plans accurate and visible to everyone in the building?
Are assembly points clearly marked?
Is the emergency lighting adequate?
Do you have back-up power supplies for your emergency lighting?
Are the final exit doors easy to open immediately in the event of a fire?
Are your fire alarm call points tested regularly?
Are your fire extinguishers clearly visible?
Are your fire extinguishers in good working order?
A fire risk assessment is important in keeping your premises and their occupants safe from fire and other emergencies. Having a professional fire risk assessment will take the stress out of completing one correctly and save you time so that you can do what you do best, run your business.
Is your workplace’s fire risk assessment up to date?
If not, contact your local Fire Risk Assessment experts at Metro-PAT 247 Limited on
020 3600 9964 or place an order online.